Step 4: Prop the Chest of the Deer Up On a Log or Stump ‘Cause that’s how you make ‘em look bigger, by golly. Make sure the hole is 3 to 4 feet behind the deer so you can get a good stretch with your arm and get the deer’s head as far away from yours as possible. You don’t want to be taller than the deer. If you don’t, you’ll be taller than the deer. But you need to dig a hole in the ground just behind the deer’s neck for you to set down in. The next step requires a shovel, or a tractor and front-end loader. Step 3: Dig a Hole Behind the Deer to Set In Doing this causes the deer’s back to majestically slope upward toward the neck and head, which makes the deer look even bigger. Then, stretch out the back legs so they stick straight out behind it.

Step 2: Position the Deer's LegsĪlright, continue by folding up the two front legs under the deer’s chest. Do this and you can turn a button buck into a booner.

Now there are no size references to show how small your deer actually is. Find a big, tall hill somewhere with nothing but nothing behind it. Step 1: Skyline the Deer So There Are No Size References No one will be the wiser (everyone will be the wiser). So follow these 12 steps to kill your biggest buck ever, whether it truly is or not. We need to quit worrying about how big we can make our deer look and just be happy with the deer we kill. But the trophy photo epidimic is real and some of the photos I see look so. Because you definitely aren't a true deer hunter unless you extremely exaggerate the size of your deer so everyone thinks you're an amazing hunter. And if you kill big deer, ya gotta take big pics, too. I mean, you aren’t really a deer hunter unless you kill big deer, right? That’s what everyone is telling me anyway. So I think it’s high time we all brush up on those trophy photo skills. Because after all, what’s deer hunting without a big buck that we can make look even bigger in a photo? Not much, my friends.

Needless to say, we’re all ready for deer season. So you and your best mate from high school need to ante up and get in on that. It’s like the night before the toilet seat horseshoe tournament at the county fair. Just about every deer hunter I know is licking their lips and chomping at the bit. The pre-season is here, preparations are being put in motion, and we’re knocking on opening day’s door.